Here are the activities that each group will be working on today:
If you are new to CoderDojo and new to computer programming this is where you start:
Are you ready to move on to Scratch? See ‘Moving On To Scratch’ in the Newcomers Activities
Scratch 1 (Beginner)
Sound Effects
Today we will work on the Sound Effects project. Click on the link below and follow the instructions in the videos.
Scratch 2 (Intermediate & Advanced)
Scratch Music Challenge
Make an interesting music project of your own choice in Scratch. Continue what you started last week or start a new project. Get creative and make something really cool for end of term Show & Tell!
Some ideas include:
- An interactive musical instrument
- Compose or reproduce a piece of music in Scratch
- An animated ‘music video’ for a song
- An audio visualizer
- A music game
For inspiration, check out our Scratch Music Challenge Inspiration Studio
For more ideas, also see:
If you prefer to have some instructions to follow along you can use one of these music projects as a starting point:
Binary Hero – Make a game in which you play the notes of a song as they scroll down the stage.
Web Development (HTML, CSS & JavaScript)
Build a basic website with CSS and HTML
Work on completing the basic 3 page example website as instructed in the video below. When you are finished, you can start on converting it into a WordPress website.
Build a basic 3 page website like the one in the following video. You can make the example website or modify it to make a website about a subject of your choice. You can use Trinket for writing your HTML and CSS. When you finish, upload your site to your hosting account.
Images for example website:
Once you finish the example website from the video you can start converting it into a WordPress website. Refer to these instructions:
(Note: you have already completed the Installing WordPress part)
Introduction to Robotics
This session is run by Nathalie. An introduction to robotics using mBot robot kits and a block programming language called mBlock which is similar to Scratch.
Raspberry Pi (with Microcontrollers and other cool stuff)
A collaborative group exploring how computers can interact with the outside world through a range of sensors and controllers. Primarily we’ll be using the Raspberry Pi ( computer in conjunction with Arduinos ( and along the way we’ll learn about Python, C and C++ programming, digital and analogue electronics and about working together.
Electronics, Microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi session information