Welcome all the new Coding Ninjas to CoderDojo and welcome back to everyone who has been here last year!

Here are the activities that each group will be working on today:


Welcome Newcomers! Today we are going to start by learning some basic ideas about programming using this Minecraft themed lesson. Click on the link below to get started. You will need to create an account with a username and password. Pick something that you will remember when you come back next week.

Scratch – Guided

Follow these instructions to create a duck shoot game:

Duck Shooter Game

Scratch – Freeform

Create a puzzle game in Scratch. You decide what type of puzzle you want to create. Try to keep your idea for your puzzle simple enough so that you will be close to finishing it by the end of this session. Start small get something working then expand on it. If you need an idea for a puzzle, here’s one:

Batgirl (1)

This is a 3×3 version of the puzzle. You could start small by starting with a 2×2 version of the puzzle. Once you’ve figured out how to do that then you can expand it by making a 3×3 or a 4×4 version.

Need more inspiration? See this Scratch Puzzle Studio.

Learn JavaScript

We will use the lessons on Codecademy to begin learning JavaScript, just click the link below. Start by clicking the Sign Up butto in top right corner of screen and create an account for yourself to track your progress.
