Here are the activities that each group will be working on today:
If you are new to CoderDojo and new to computer programming this is where you start:
Scratch – Beginner
Did you finish last weeks activity – Monster Feelings?
If you didn’t finish it you can find the instructions here:
This week’s activity – Storyboards
Go to the following link, watch the video, and follow the steps to create the ‘Storyboards’ animation:
Click here for instructions
Scratch – Intermediate
1. Finish last weeks activity – Dot Catcher
If you haven’t finished Go to the following link and follow the steps to create the Dot Catcher game:
Catch The Dots project instructions
2. Make improvements to your Dot Catcher game:
- Display remaining lives graphically
- Use acceleration and deceleration on the rotation of the circular sprite to get smooth movement that is easy for the player to control. Hint: use a variable for controller speed and change the value when left or right arrows are pressed.
- Make game get harder by speeding up frequency of the dots (but not to the point where it is impossible) as game goes on
- Have a special effect when game ends or add a game over screen
- Add at least one other new feature of your own choosing to the game
- Get one other person to play your game and you play theirs. What are the main differences between your version and theirs?<.li>
3. Get started on next activity – Create your own world
Scratch – Advanced
1. Complete last week’s Dot Catcher game
Can you make this game without any instructions?
- Circular sprite divided into 3 colours rotates (in both directions) with left and right arrows.
- Dots appear at any of the four corners (at random) in one of the 3 colours (at random) and move towards the centre.
- Points are scored when the you catch the dots by rotating the circular sprite so that the colour matches the colour of the dot.
- A life is lost if a dot touches a different colour on the circular sprite.
- Game ends when all 3 lives are lost.
- Display remaining lives graphically
- Use acceleration and deceleration on the rotation of the circular sprite to get smooth movement that is easy for the player to control.
- Game gets harder by speeding up frequency of the dots (but not to the point where it is impossible)
- Add sound effects
- Display score and high score
- Have a special effect when game ends
- Add at least one new feature to the game
2. Create a simple adventure game
Create a simple adventure game like this:
Learn JavaScript
Continue working through the lessons on Khan Academy to learn JavaScript, just click the link below to get started. Use the login you have already created or if this your first time, start by clicking the Sign in / Sign up link in top right corner of screen and then click the Create a new account link to create a new account for yourself to track your progress.
Raspberry Pi (with Microcontrollers and other cool stuff)
A collaborative group exploring how computers can interact with the outside world through a range of sensors and controllers. Primarily we’ll be using the Raspberry Pi ( computer in conjunction with Arduinos ( and along the way we’ll learn about Python, C and C++ programming, digital and analogue electronics and about working together.
Electronics, Microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi session information