Here are the activities that each group will be working on today:
If you are new to CoderDojo and new to computer programming this is where you start:
Scratch 1
Digital Art
Last week we learned about a conditional called the if statement. Today you will use another conditional called if else to do some coll image processing!
Scratch 2
Choose ONE of the following two projects:
Option 1. Fart Catcher (easier)
Follow these instructions to make the Fart Catcher game in Scratch.
Option 2. Top down scroller game (more advanced)
This session is run by Nathalie. An introduction to robotics using mBot robot kits and a block programming language called mBlock which is similar to Scratch.
A collaborative group exploring how computers can interact with the outside world through a range of sensors and controllers. Primarily we’ll be using the Raspberry Pi ( computer in conjunction with Arduinos ( and along the way we’ll learn about Python, C and C++ programming, digital and analogue electronics and about working together.
Electronics, Microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi session information