Here are the activities that each group will be working on today:


If you are new to CoderDojo and new to computer programming this is where you start:

Go to Newcomers Activities

Scratch 1

Digital Art

Last week we learned about a conditional called the if statement. Today you will use another conditional called if else to do some coll image processing!

Click here for instructions for the Digital Art project

Scratch 2

Choose ONE of the following two projects:

Option 1. Fart Catcher (easier)

Follow these instructions to make the Fart Catcher game in Scratch.

Option 2. Top down scroller game (more advanced)

Part 1:

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


This session is run by Nathalie. An introduction to robotics using mBot robot kits and a block programming language called mBlock which is similar to Scratch.

Introduction to Robotics session information


A collaborative group exploring how computers can interact with the outside world through a range of sensors and controllers. Primarily we’ll be using the Raspberry Pi ( computer in conjunction with Arduinos ( and along the way we’ll learn about Python, C and C++ programming, digital and analogue electronics and about working together.

Electronics, Microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi session information