Term 4 2024

Coderdojo Activities for Term 4 2023


Here are the activities that each group will be working on this term:


If you are new to CoderDojo and new to computer programming this is where you start:

Go to Newcomers Activities

Scratch 1 (Beginning Scratch)

We will work our way through these activities this term. Try to add your own ideas and improvements to each project!

Note: Each week, add your completed projects to this studio.

Beginner Scratch Part 1 (first term in beginner scratch): Introduction to Scratch: sprites, scripts, and loops

  • Week 1: Space Talk
  • Week 2: Catch the bus
  • Week 3: Find the Bug
  • Week 4: Silly Eyes
  • Week 5: Surprise! animation
  • Week 6: I made you a book
  • Week 7: Boat Race
  • Week 8: Show and Tell. Pick your favourite project from this term and do some more work on it to customise it and make it even better (for example: add sound, add scoring, add more levels, add new sprites). Then we will do a show and tell in the last half hour and you can show your project to everyone.

Beginner Scratch Part 2 (second term in Beginner scratch): More Scratch: broadcast, decisions and variables

Beginner Scratch Part 3 (third term in Beginner scratch): Further Scratch: clones, my blocks, and boolean logic

Looking for more beginner projects?

If you’ve completed the above projects and are looking for more projects, try Google CS First projects, see here.

Scratch 2 (Intermediate & Advanced)

Intermediate Projects:

Project 1: Rock Blaster game (video tutorial)

Project 2: Shapes & Fractals

Project 3: Golf game – Simple Version (video tutorial)
To make your golf game better try this video tutorial: Improved Mini Golf game tutorial

Project 4: Fruit Ninja (video tutorial)

Project 5: Zombie Shooter (video tutorial) (see also part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6)

IMPORTANT Add your projects to this studio.

More Advanced Projects:

Project – Option 1: Car steering simulator

Follow this Video Tutorial to learn how to make a Car steering simulator. This is a great basis for making a top down car or truck (or even train!) game with multiple levels. IMPORTANT Add your project to this studio.

Project – Option 2: Self driving car challenge

Follow these instructions to make a car drive around any track all by itself. How fast can you make it get around the track?

Project – Option 3: Make the game Missile Command

Follow these instructions to make the game Missile Command. You will start making a simple version of the game and then you can add features to it to make it more like the classic arcade game or like your own idea of a cool game.

IMPORTANT Add your project to this studio.

Project – Option 4: Platformer

Follow this video tutorial to learn how to make a platform game in Scratch. After you finish the tutorial, use the techniques you have learned to make your own cool platform game.

IMPORTANT Add your project to this studio.

Project – Option 5: Scrolling backgrounds

Follow this Griffpatch video to learn how to make scrolling backgrounds. Then make a game that uses the scrolling backgrounds.

IMPORTANT Add your project to this studio.

Project – Option 6: Snake Game

Follow this Video Tutorial to learn how to make a Snake Game. The game in the video is incomplete, can you use your own Scratch skills to complete the snake game? Add your own ideas to customise the game. IMPORTANT Add your project to this studio.

Project – Option 7: Racing Car Game

Follow this YouTube video tutorial to make a racing car game. There are also additional videos to enhance and improve the game: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9. Wouldn’t it be cool to add the car steering simulator to make the car even better! See if you can come up with some ideas of your own to make the game even better.

Other project ideas

If you have completed these projects and are looking for something else to do, you can have a look through these projects to find something that interests you. You can also find some great Scratch project tutorials on YouTube. One YouTuber that has lots of high quality advanced projects is Griffpatch. Another one worth a look is Coding With Chris.

Beginner coding with Python

This session is run by Hayden. You will be learning how to write computer programmes in Python.

Python Activities

Self-Guided/Intro to Programming

This session used to run by David but is now self-guided. You can explore your interest in Python, Javascript or other programming languages and topics. Ask one of the mentors if you need assistance.

Intro to Programming session information

3D Computer Aided Design with TinkerCAD

Learn how to make 3D models using Tinkercad. Tinkercad is an easy-to-use 3D computer aided design (CAD) tool. You can quickly turn your idea into a CAD model for a 3D printer with Tinkercad. – Martin Love

TinkerCAD session information


A collaborative group exploring how computers can interact with the outside world through a range of sensors and controllers. Primarily we’ll be using the Raspberry Pi (http://raspberrypi.org) computer in conjunction with Arduinos (http://arduino.cc) and along the way we’ll learn about Python, C and C++ programming, digital and analogue electronics and about working together.

Electronics, Microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi session information

Web Development

Learn how to make a basic web page with HTML and CSS. Then move on to making a full website with advanced layouts. Also learn Javascript basics and learn about content management systems which are used in building most websites.

Web Development Course Resources